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Title-IT strategy for business

As your partner in success, InterPro senior resources can enhance your existing technology team, helping to strategize about long term project and reviewing possible technology approaches to meet business needs.

Examples of the types of strategy services we provide include:

  • IT Investment ROI and Business Cases
  • Upstream Business Applications Consulting
  • Workflow Analysis and Process Reengineering
  • IT Best Practices

IT Investment ROI/Business Cases

InterPro can provide valuable support in analyzing the return on investment of new technology systems, technologies, upgrades, and/or enhancements. We can provide financial analysis for implementing new projects or modifying and/or expanding existing systems. Clients find this financial cost/benefit analysis to be critical to effectively weighing their options during startup or expansion activities.

Upstream Business Applications Consulting

Our upstream business application efforts focus on IT enhancements to increase productivity and return on investment. In developing and implementing these applications, InterPro supports clients in analyzing workflow patterns and process reengineering, IT best practices, and IT investment.

Workflow Analysis and Process Reengineering

InterPro workflow analysis and process reengineering capabilities streamline operations for sustained cost-effectiveness. To approach these tasks, our team first establishes a detailed understanding of business requirements and carries out Business Process Mapping. Requirements are then mapped to the systems and applications and a Gap Analysis is completed. Finally, InterPro prepares a solution recommendation and documentation that can be used to implement the solution. (If you choose, we'll help you implement as well.)

IT Best Practices

InterPro considers best practices to be technologies or systems that highly successful companies have used to become the most admired, the most profitable, and the keenest competitors in their field.

By identifying how others perform critical tasks or objectives, you can gain perspective and insight from highly successful practitioners. In compiling recommendations regarding IT best practices, InterPro first draws on the practical experience of our internal experts, who know what works and can identify potential pitfalls and obstacles. Interviews, surveys, and other mechanisms supplement this information. InterPro then conducts Benchmark analysis by seeking out and studying the best internal practices of organizations that produce superior performance. As part of our analysis, we identify shortcomings, prioritize action items, and conduct follow-on studies to determine methods of improvement.




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